Medical and Scientific Advisory Board
The Medical and Scientific Advisory Board meets quarterly to discuss matters involving medical and scientific information related to DYRK1A Syndrome. They offer their expertise on scientific projects, publications, and the clinical needs of the patient population. Our advisors help assure that the organization’s policies, research, marketing, communications, and publications meet the highest scientific standards. They are focused on our strategic plan goals to; establish a research funding mechanism, deepen the understanding of individuals affected by DYRK1A syndrome, establish a drug development toolkit and path to therapeutic, define centers of excellence, and educate and communicate to the community.
Oliver Glass, PhD - Chair
Geneticist - Duke Integrative Medicine
Sarah Glass, PhD
Geneticist - Chief Development Officer, n-Lorem
DYRK1A Syndrome US & International Association
Nadia Deba Giwani
Leader in Healthcare Communications and Marketing
Dr. Bregje van Bon, MD, PhD
Clinical geneticist - Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dr. Lucas Bronicki, PhD, FACMG, DABMGG
Clinical Genetics - Assistant Professor, University of Ottowa, Canada
Dr. Amelie Piton, PhD
Neurogenetics and Translational medicine - Institute of Genetics and Mol/Cell Biology, University of Strasbourg, France
Dr. Craig McIntosh, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow - Centre for Molecular Medicine and Innovative Therapeutics, University of Murdoch, Australia